Kari's Random Thoughts

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I love this album. Especially #5.


And... I think this is essential this holiday season.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

What's on my mind....

Where I want to live:

More specifically where I want to live (Pearl District):

Where I want to work:

What I'm reading for school:

What I read/look at for inspiration:

WHO inspires me:
Deb Morrison, Professor

Steve Miller, Fishy Eyes

Jamie Ackerman

Heather Daniel

The great Diana Erskine

AND GEOFF ROGERS!! (but I didn't have a picture) =)

That's it for now. More later!!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Sure, there are plenty of things to love about my apartment nesteled among the historical disctrict of downtown Eugene. Clawfoot tub, pedistal sink, huge porch. But I must say, after living here for almost 3 years certain things are starting to bug the heck out of me.

Exhibit 1:

Yes. I have to pay $2.00 every time I do a load. The really aggravating thing is that I never happen to have $2.00 in quarters laying around.

Exhibit 2:

My faucet handles seem to be breaking off like crazy!! Strange phenomenon. And why is it always on the left?

3rd and final exhibit of the day:

My kitchen. Notice no dishwasher. UGGHHHH!

Well, there ya go. My first blog post ever. Just me complaining a little!